Lying in Confession

Discussion in 'Non-Anglican Discussion' started by Religious Fanatic, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Religious Fanatic

    Religious Fanatic Well-Known Member

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    Do people who go to confession necessarily tell their priest or whoever everything? I've been told no. I've known people who only confess things they believe to be a sin, but will practice some things that despite being sin according to their church, they continue to practice without much guilt or shame (i.e; premarital sex). I've heard of well known figures in the RCC for instance (Long Island Medium, Roma Downey, Mark Wahlberg, etc.) who have very liberal, heretical views and have been attending mass at the same church for many years. I've seen people on a Catholic forum mention that they attend the church where people like the Medium attend mass regularly despite her supposed occupation as a medium (or a con artist, depending on who you talk to). Roma is involved in new age/catholic syncretist practices and was affiliated with the new age New Thought cult with Della Reese. Wahlberg produces some very profane movies and is likely into a lot of other stuff we don't know about. He hardly takes an orthodox view on Catholicism, since he approves of same-sex marriage and a lot of other practices. The problem is not just withholding confession from priests. I've been told that they're supposed to take action if they see someone repeatedly sinning a mortal sin without repentance even if they confess afterwards, but also their visibility and the fact that are Roman churches. The medium's priest has been shown on TV talking about his respect for her an openness regarding her 'gift'. Yet, all of these are involved in some heretical or sinful practices and have not been excommunicated. What gives?
  2. Edmundia

    Edmundia Member

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    United Kingdom
    Roman Catholic (Tradition
    Confession in the Roman Catholic church is simple.We confess to God our merciful Father through his instrument, the priest. We mention any mortal serious sins that we remember and any other sins, large or small that we remember.We must have a firm purpose of amendment and resolve to make a good effort, with God's grace through the sacrament, to try not to sin and to avoid the near occasions of sin. The point is not a tortured psychological talk but an act of Love-Sorrow and the joy of receiving God's forgiveness. The sacrament is not a machine and God is its author and it only "works" if we are really sorry. There may be all sorts of people who play around with God in the Sacraments, but as Sacred Scripture says "God is not mocked". Please ask if I can answer - as a traditional Catholic - any other questions. What I have said here I was taught, first, as an old style Anglo-Catholic and I am always grateful to those excellent Anglican priests and laity (and splendid old books) who taught me the value of Confession.
  3. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    Regards personal confession for Anglicans, (apart from Genereal confession which applies to all, and all should), . . . . . All may, some should, none must.

    You can't fool God and only a fool thinks you can. Foolishness is sinful. Mark 7:22.