Is True Love biblical ? The bible says about finding True Love ?

Discussion in 'Theology and Doctrine' started by arik88, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. arik88

    arik88 Member

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    The bible tells us love comes from God, but what type of love is true love. Is true love from God ? The true love God says is what needs in thr heart to find it ? Is his True love as a father, the love a women and men must have to find true love ? The love of a couple of men and women the love he wants us to love so we can love the univers like him or love like Jesus ? Love comes from him a father love's, a mother love's, and love of siblings is love and the bible verses says all love is his creation. What is your experience in true love ? What bible verse you found tell true love or other love God says in the bible.
    We will look at verses and find proverbs 31 the women God wants and psalms a place where true love is and verses.
  2. Spiritus

    Spiritus Active Member

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    United States
    Roman Catholic
    I think the Biblical accounts show that the "truest" form of love is agape ἀγάπη (agápē). Self-sacrificial love that wills the good of the other over our own desires. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without expecting anything in return.

    Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
  3. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    One of the limitations of English is the number of permutations bound in a single word. It needs both context and direction to have any real meaning. My wife loves clothes. ❤️ I love my wife.
    Br. Thomas likes this.
  4. Rexlion

    Rexlion Well-Known Member

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    Christian attending ACNA
    @Spiritus has it right. Another scripture exemplifying agape love is John 3:16.

    When people marry, they traditionally exchange vows to love and cherish each other, no matter the circumstances, until death parts the couple. Marrying couples should take this more seriously. True love is when both husband and wife will put the needs of the other on a par with one's own needs. True love makes the compromises with the other party that are necessary to stay together in a reasonably harmonious relationship. It is a "giving" love.

    Most people today enter a marriage with the idea that if it gets unpleasant or disadvantageous they'll just divorce the spouse and go find someone else who pleases them more (for a time). People are selfish, self-centered, and carnal; their idea of love is wrapped up in emotion, excitement, attraction, lust, and desire for security, and when those things fade away the couple 'breaks up' in shallow self-interest. But true love often requires a hard decision to stand by the spouse even though both people have changed and the fun has gone away.
    Tiffy and Br. Thomas like this.
  5. Rami

    Rami Member Anglican

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    United Kingdom
    When the notion of happiness is based on on just two human beings counting on each other as the source of it, rather than including God's own hopes and desires, like John 3:16 is true, so avoiding divorce becomes a source of happiness in itself, I think that is where this problem starts.
  6. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up. Again, if two lie together, they are warm; but how can one be warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.
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  7. Rexlion

    Rexlion Well-Known Member

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    Christian attending ACNA
    To answer the title of the thread, true love is thoroughly Biblical! :D

    I am remembering that in other cultures (mainly during past centuries, but some may still exist today) a man and a woman got married while hardly knowing each other. And they often had no idea if they would be "compatible," the way everyone focuses on compatibility today. Yet the Bible called upon those couples to be faithful to each other and to meet each other's needs. Marrying a virtual stranger and then staying married, faithful, kind, caring, and nurturing to that person for decades? That was true love, a love like most young people in today's society have no concept of!

    Fidelity in earthly marriage is somewhat a type of Christ's love for us, the church, His bride. The Bible says that even when we are not faithful to God, He is still faithful to us, for He cannot deny His nature (2 Tim. 2:13). That is real love!
    Tiffy likes this.
  8. arik88

    arik88 Member

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    How to find True Love Biblically ! Part 1:

    Love comes from God and he created it, he wanted man and woman in the Eden. there was the first true love and it is where love comes from and the model God wanted for man and women to have. We see he gave commands and love came from Eden. God created love and wanted love to be on Earth. Eden is how he wanted the world and what is the original model of love he wanted man and women is there. There is a model man-God true love and women-God true love and there is one man-women true love that God gives and there is a secret in it.
    God made love and he has an important reason why he created love and is reaveals secrets. There is an importance in love he wants us to love and he created love so we are connencted to him.

    Love is sometimes uncomfortable and we find it, it will come out not like we want but like God wants and it is neccesary soemtimes that way. Some people don't know how love will do all this and wome sometimes do and sometimes they don't really love is like fire and grows and dissapears like God in mysterious ways. There are many ways love is said in the bible becomes and some in poetry, some in literary way, some spirit, and others by Biology thru pheromones and body functions.
    Love is more than that God's love in Heaven is something we don't grasp but we have before, feel it and where with him in heaven and had his love and before he sent us we did know what it was and we use it in heaven. Love is part of what God gives in heaven and he gave it to us for a purpose he has and in his plan of God and it is all different it all works for his plan and love comes out when you least expect it.

    David realtionship with Bethsabe- it was wrong and yet God let him have her and it was a bad start but still God's plan got thru and what was needed for Solomon to be born and Israel kingdom to exist happened. Sometimes hard times have to happen so love can become true love and putting it in God's hands will help.
    Abraham realtionship with Sarah- They are the model relationship after the fall they pass hard tests but shows true love wins against the them all and were faithful to God and got thru it all. Love is part of the test God gives to man and women, to the people who worship him.
    Even in tragedy those who fall in love are examples true love is part of the plan of God and will test you.
    there will be more examples of Abraham-sarah couple, we will see true love can come at the beggining, middle of life, or in the end and wait for 50 years or 60 years to have it. Just like Jacob had to pass 7 years to have Rachel it is sometimes the hard tests of love and his people.

    Love can be in the beggining when your a child and meet them to pass thru all the tests.

    Love can be in your middle life and when you are mature.

    Love can be at the end of your life and at old age find true love and it all can be a purpose find true love and thru hard times when your young pass thru test and be faithful to your wife and to God and be with God and be faithful until the end.

    Sometimes you had true love you did something good for your love life and been a couple you help someone in that earlylife and if you weren't a couple couldn't do it because you were not in a partner relationship and they didn't compare to you. Because you weren't in the same position as them and just out of probabilities you were doing things and it happened out of nowhere and you help someone and did the plan of God and change someone life to become a christian. It could be you where in middle life and found love and she left becuase she was confused and wasn't sure you were the one person you were meant and she left because she wasn't sure. Later you forgive her because true love will love no matter what. You have to put God first and if God wanted you to find true love you will ask for it and she will be the one.

    But you will find true love and she left you for someone you will see you will find her and even if contradiction in the next words, be agaisnt God because he is testing you and he will do that God and not to leave the faith but even hard things in life. You wait and she realize she was wrong and you love each other true love is there and is the true love God gives. It may sound contradictable but sometimes it will go that way God test to have true love. Remember it will depend and it all has to do with the plan of God.
    For example I know a couple women found a man and he was a gentile and she was jewish. They knew they were meant for each other and they were part of the plan of God. But thier families were against each and thier religion were against each other. The girl went against her religion and the guy rejected his family they met in secret and kept thier love. At the end he went jewish and converted.
    This was a happy ending and some stories I found and know you have heard of it and others. Men left thier jewish religion and married and the girl left thier life and got married he never came back to judaism. But they found true love. The other story one left his life and amrried to a women and christian women left the church but later got back in their old age and were baptized. They could be against God but sometimes happens to find true love God will put in those conditions. This are the test God gives that gives.

    The first part to have true love.

    1. Ask God for it. Pray to him and pray to him he will answer no !!! But if you really want it get it no matter what. He will send you tests and let you have victory and she might leave but he wants you pass the hard times and be faithful. You will see she might die or she leaves and you will see her in the end. And God will save her and meet her in heaven. It is a test and God is not God that does not want happy ending but needs to make story that new and be the story he wants to be witness of your story and you will pass hard times but you will win. And true love at the end will win. Eve if she dies, she leave you, or sometimes an accident you don't happens.
  9. arik88

    arik88 Member

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    How to find True Love Biblically ! Part 2:

    2. If you want true love you pray for it and ask God for it. but remember it depends not all of us want true love and were not all made for true love. God wants us to worship him and love him adore him. The relationship with God and man is to him. To love him and he is the only source of love and he is your focal point in life. He's worship is him and you. It for women and for men, it is the purpose we worship and why he creates us. That is why some of us were made soldiers, some were made builders, were artist, and some are monks. Were all made for diffrent purpose and we are complete when we do the plan of God. So man are meant to be God-man realtionship it is neccesary man and his realtion with God make man, makes prophets, and makes kings. The same for women. This is not about sexual relation, sexual relation is not how to find ture love but God is the one who will give true love. You can find couples in the world that don't have sexual relation and they find true love.

    Rember we are all witnesses and that is why ! We are here to be witness of God war against the devil and we were faithful with him until the end and pass the tests. Not all of us are made for couple but have true love with the Lord and have the real love God has given to one another with him. And man has the love God has from heaven and is perfect. Jesus is the love God wants man to have and it is true love. And he wants us that love as priority. But some can't reach that love and they find a women and love and that is enough for man. But it is the plan of God and sometimes God will want you to find a women that has that love like Jesus and does reach it. And wants you to pair with her to find true love and Together find a secret that only two fo those people together can unravel thru their relationships and do a secret thing only they will know that God reavels and can be achieve only thru women-man- love of Jesus had - relationship with God. With the original worship of God has in the bible way and not the confusing of modern way couples that just divorce and television tell us.

    The real worship of God that Israelites have, the real people of God that love and worship and will do everthing for his kingdom. They will fight, kill, be tested, love and lose loves one but will be faithful to him in the end. They achieve this secret and find it.

    There is

    man-God with Jesus love relationship can achieve it.

    women- God with Jesus relationship can achieve it.

    And Man-Women-God with Jesus love can achieve it.

    Women-Man Babylonic ( That is the whole world, normal wedding )

    Men-Men ( gay relationship ) cannot achieve it.

    Women-Women ( Lesbian relationship ) cannot achieve it.

    True love is secret and the hebrew secret of God in true love and his people is secret and the real people of God will know that secret .

    Some couples won't find it and love will go in any direction and God will put it that way.

    True love will be tested and to find it. God will make you go thru hard times and lose but will win. True love is part of the plan of God and you will use love like Jesus and complete his plan with it. And find with love, with love with all your heart to God and do it with with all your heart. Sometimes it is needed the heart of a child, to be in women place and have a heart of women to love them but to be a man of God and be wise. And know how to use wisdom and let God helps you with his hands, put his will above yours and hers, have a heart of child to love like children love because God love children because they will give themselves to the lord and be selfless to others and sacrifice themselves to save them like Jesus says.

    John 15: 12-15

    12 This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do the things which I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known unto you.

    To Love like God loves and love your wife, love your children, and enemies all of them. you achieve this you get the real worship of God and have the relationship of Jesus with God. And use it for the women-men-God with Jesus love. God will reveal you secret that only that relation between Jesus-God has. It is a secret and only the real people of God kow !!!

    It is not easy but it is a secret.

    Couple will not find it some like Samson-Delalilah, Ruth-Boaz, and Judith-Holofernes. Samson love his wife and even though his wife was evil, he survive and still was faithful to God. Ruth had to go thru hard tests and Judith but they dind't know about that love Jesus
    had but did love.

    3. It's time sometimes love will pass thru time to be true love and some find true love at early stage, middle fo their life and at the end. But true love is not love at first sight, love in same interest, love for sexual desire, love for needs, or love to give. You will see many will love but will not find true love. The promblem is sometimes you can be sure your in love but alter find out he is not the one and later find out when you die and in heaven God tells ya it was someone else. sometimes you will be in those positions but you need to find out where is the true one for you.the one you wanted and the one you promise in heaven you will meet again and find love together like God planned it. And you were made by God together and he knew you both and sent you together on mission and the plan he gave you. Were meant for both of you to do like Abraham and Sarah, to have many children as the stars. King Solomon and Queen Sheba who they met and King Solomon knew the secrets of love and together did good for both nations and God plan to help Solomon know what is love so he can write in psalm, proverbs, and Eccliastes to help women and men fidn true love like the song of songs.
  10. arik88

    arik88 Member

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    How to find True Love Biblically ! Part 3:

    It is all the plan of God and to find it and know which one is.

    4. The tests. To find out you need to test to see if he was meant or she was meant and true love is there. The test may vary depending on the person. If he is the one you will make the test he will give it all up for you and he is the one he will support you in all th promblems. True love is that way. And other tests you will seperate and he will go with another and you will go with another. He will love ya he will go thru all the promblems and take you away swooping of your feet and stay together.
    The other one he will be away but because of a promblem or he is stupid he will wait and pass 40 years and you will meet again and rekindle and found he is the one ! but stay together don't try and test with a death situation that he will love he will kill or hurt they happen but look for one because it could go wrong and bot lose thier love and die. You will see the tests will come and sue those three and it will show you true love it could God will give you all three of them and see it si his plan but remember not aall of us were meant for man-women some are monks, some are soldiers and some are flowerist not all of us are part of this and you have to ask God to have it and pray and pray. he wil deliver.

    5. True love wins at the end, You will see love goes thru everything and accomplish it all.

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8

    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
    8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

    True love will be tested by God. You have true love God will reveal to you that secret, the love God gives is part of his love in Heaven and true love is part of it. Pray to God and he will deliver and women who suffer to know what he wants will know that secret and find God's love in them and find the secret things of love in them. They will see God love is in all of us all and he loves you.
    Find love and women can love he wants and love like Jesus. And have love he has in heaven to complete and to do the men-women-Jesus love-God relationship to find that secret he wants.
  11. CRfromQld

    CRfromQld Moderator Staff Member

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    By "true love" I assume you mean romantic, Princess Bride, type love. Mostly the Bible does not talk about this type. It's useful if you can get an interlinear Greek translation. You don't need to be able to read Greek to be able to pick out the word used for love in the verse. Let's look at a couple.

    John 15: 12
    12 Love agapaō one allēlōn another , as kathōs I have loved agapaō you hymeis.

    1 Corinthians 13:4
    4 · ho Love agapē is patient makrothumeō, love agapē is kind chrēsteuomai

    John 21: 15-17
    15 “ Simon Simōn, son of John Iōannēs, do you love agapaō me egō ..."
    16 “ Simon Simōn , son of John Iōannēs, do you love agapaō me egō?"
    17 “ Simon Simōn, son of John Iōannēs, do you love phileō me egō?”

    You can see that generally the Greek word for love is "agape" which is an action rather than a feeling. You can despise someone but if you treat them kindly then you are showing agape love.

    It's interesting that in John 21:17 the word changes from agapao to phileo, brotherly love.
    Magistos, Rexlion and Tiffy like this.