What Constitutes an Anglican?

Discussion in 'Questions?' started by Botolph, Nov 1, 2021.

  1. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    In fairness, that is not really a shortcoming. The statement was devised in terms of defining the absolutes that we would require in oecumenical discussions. One would presume that if they were requiring the prayer book as part of the non negotiables, it really would not have been oecumenical.

    I am reminded however of the wit who suggested that Anglicans are a diverse group of people loosely bound together by a prayer book. And as @Shane R mentioned, there has been some letting go of the use of the book, across the communion.

    The Ruling Principals of the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia read:


    4. This Church, being derived from the Church of England, retains and approves the doctrine and principles of the Church of England embodied in the Book of Common Prayer together with the Form and Manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons and in the Articles of Religion sometimes called the Thirty-nine Articles but has plenary authority at its own discretion to make statements as to the faith ritual ceremonial or discipline of this Church and to order its forms of worship and rules of discipline and to alter or revise such statements, forms and rules, provided that all such statements, forms, rules or alteration or revision thereof are consistent with the Fundamental Declarations contained herein and are made as prescribed by this Constitution. Provided, and it is hereby further declared, that the above-named Book of Common Prayer, together with the Thirtynine Articles, be regarded as the authorised standard of worship and doctrine in this Church, and no alteration in or permitted variations from the services or Articles therein contained shall contravene any principle of doctrine or worship laid down in such standard.

    Provided further that until other order be taken by canon made in accordance with this Constitution, a bishop of a diocese may, at his discretion, permit such deviations from the existing order of service, not contravening any principle of doctrine or worship as aforesaid, as shall be submitted to him by the incumbent and churchwardens of a parish.

    Provided also that no such request shall be preferred to the bishop of a diocese until the incumbent and a majority of the parishioners present and voting at a meeting of parishioners, duly convened for the purpose, shall signify assent to such proposed deviations. Such meeting shall be duly convened by writing, placed in a prominent position at each entrance to the church and by announcement at the morning and evening services, or at the service if only one, at least two Sundays before such meeting, stating the time and place of such meeting, and giving full particulars of the nature of the proposed deviation.

    5. Subject to the Fundamental Declarations and the provisions of this chapter this Church has plenary authority and power to make canons, ordinances and rules for the order and good government of the Church, and to administer the affairs thereof. Such authority and power may be exercised by the several synods and tribunals in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

    6. This Church will remain and be in communion with the Church of England in England and with churches in communion therewith so long as communion is consistent with the Fundamental Declarations contained in this Constitution.
    And for fullness the Fundamental Declarations are:


    1. The Anglican Church of Australia, being a part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, holds the Christian Faith as professed by the Church of Christ from primitive times and in particular as set forth in the creeds known as the Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed.

    2. This Church receives all the canonical scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as being the ultimate rule and standard of faith given by inspiration of God and containing all things necessary for salvation.

    3. This Church will ever obey the commands of Christ, teach His doctrine, administer His sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, follow and uphold His discipline and preserve the three orders of bishops, priests and deacons in the sacred ministry.​
    Annie Grace and Invictus like this.
  2. Invictus

    Invictus Well-Known Member

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    United States
    Ah yes. I stand corrected. Thank you! :)
    Botolph likes this.
  3. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    I have been pondering this question: To me it seems there are a number of matters which contribute to what we might call and Anglican ethos, and there is no particular order here.
    • A connection or affiliation to the history, and liturgical tradition of the English People, and a desire to retain something of that connection.
    • Robustly Trinitarian in belief.
    • A strong emphasis on the incarnation in theology.
    • Liturgy in a language that the people can understand - not necessarily street speak
    • Communion in both kinds
    • All things done decently and in order
    • Uncompromising on the essentials, more generous in the peripherals
    • A strong emphasis both on Grace and on being gracious.
    • Reverence for Holy Scripture, Value for Tradition, and the embrace of reason.
    • We have a strong intellectual tradition, and all are expected to use what they have, yet we are not save by intellect.
    • An embrace of unity, with a health accommodation for diversity.
    • A church for all people, in all places, at all times.
    • A recognition that Anglican is not the only way to be Christian, but in this tradition I have caught a glimpse of glory that I treasure.
    • Holy Scripture, Nicene Creed, Chalcedonian Definition, Three sacred orders of ministry, Historic Episcopate, 2 Dominical Sacraments.
    Annie Grace and Invictus like this.