I'm worried that ACNA may accept women clergy; and they're too 'big tent'. Help?

Discussion in 'Navigating Through Church Life' started by Justin Haskins, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Spherelink

    Spherelink Active Member

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    Unhinged SC Anglican
    Well I'm saddened to hear that I won't have my points responded to. Anyone can hide behind generalized disagreement and claim higher ground, without proving anything...

    The truth of the matter is, of all the things I said the Once Saved Always Saved principle is undoubtedly an accurate attribution. It is a central doctrine of Calvinism enshrined in the Synod of Dort, namely the so-called 'perseverance of the saints.' You may be judging its prominence by the frequency of its mention in your Presbyterian circles, which makes me think you put too much stock in the small circumference of acquaintances within your reach, rather than a foundational inquiry into the historic doctrines in each of the Churches you are trying to analyze...

    Your belief that most, or even many, Presbyterian churches give 2 thoughts about the Westminster Confession today only underscores this impression. My friend... the PCA does not, and the PCUSA does not. The Presbyterian seminaries which are not heretical, espouse Karl Barth. I simply don't know what circles and acquaintances you orient yourself around that would give you such a skewed and misleading picture of the churches today....

    No, not at all. This just shows you haven't studied or had anyone explain the theology of the Articles or the Prayerbook to you. There are many posts and threads on this very forum showing how the 5 points are entirely rejected in the Prayerbooks, and how our doctrine of Baptism teaches regeneration, and many other things. I invite you to a further conversation, rather than telling us what we believe. Maybe the reason you are wondering where to join is because you haven't looked widely enough, and asked the true believers what each of their real doctrines are. There is no question in my mind where Anglicans stand on God's sovereignty, human free will, sanctification, baptismal regeneration, the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist, and countless other doctrines which our Articles and Prayerbooks teach. I invite you to inquire and learn what we believe.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015