
Discussion in 'The Commons' started by prinzT, Apr 10, 2021.

  1. PDL

    PDL Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United Kingdom
    Church of England
    We are created by God and made in his image. He gives us life and He alone has the right to take it away.

    From a scientific perspective determining when life ends is not as simple as some may think. That is further complicated by medicine's ability to artificially prolong it. I would say from a religious viewpoint it has to be when the soul departs from the body.

    I do not know the official position of all Anglican churches. However, euthanasia has to be wrong. The circumstances surrounding it do not matter. The person may be terminally ill. They may be murdered by a doctor in a very quick, painless and humane way. It is still murder and against the laws of God. Therefore, if any Anglican church says euthanasia is acceptable I consider that to be against God's own laws.

    Of course, life is valuable and it should be valuable to Anglicans. We are created by and given life by God. That is what makes it so precious. We know that only God can take it away. Therefore, things like euthanasia and suicide are wrong.

    There are absolutely no circumstances in which euthanasia can ever be acceptable. Even if euthanasia were acceptable, and it is not, it puts us into great moral dilemma. Who will be euthanased? On what grounds? Who decidess? However, euthanasia is never acceptable because only God can bring a life to its end.

    Yes it would be morally evil to euthanase a person who is terminally ill. Euthanasia is wrong. God decides when we are to die. Terminal illness is not a reason to euthanase people nor is any other reasons grounds for sinning against the fifth commandment.
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