Archbishop Beach (ACNA) writes about Anglicanism in Australia

Discussion in 'Anglican and Christian News' started by Br. Thomas, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. ZachT

    ZachT Well-Known Member

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    No one in this thread has said same-sex marriage is acceptable. You keep taking this idea to extremes. I am saying entering into a committed, loving, faithful monogamous relationship is closer to God's will than living a life of polyamorous debauchery for pleasure. How could my argument be repurposed for endorsing bestiality? Walk me through the conclusion, give me the comparative example and if you're right you'll have convinced me.

    Eros is the love expressed between husband and wife, and God smiles on it, so its obviously not a corrupted emotion. It is good to have a deep love for one partner, that drives you to sacrifice and honour that person at the expense of the self. It is not good to have sex with dozens of partners and feel no love for any of them, simply pursuing sex as a selfish one-sided affair to sate your own desires. Love does not require sex, and in fact in certain contexts inhibits us from having sex (e.g. with strangers even if our human impulses tell us to, because we love our wives).
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2022
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