Roman Synods 2022-2023 are pretty hair-razing

Discussion in 'Anglican and Christian News' started by anglican74, Aug 16, 2022.

  1. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    So the Roman church is conducting synods all around the world, evidently asking constituents what they would like to be different...

    On Australia I posted earlier, how the Australian RC's have returned indicating openness to women deacons!

    But now it seems the answers have come back from the United states, calling for full women's ordination and gay marriage:
    Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 3.33.18 PM.jpg

    Also, the Swiss RC's seem to be echoing the same position

    Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 3.33.18 PM.jpg

    It seems that the worldwide provinces are signaling to the Vatican that it should proceed with women deacons and gay marriage, two proposals which will be warmly received by them.....
  2. bwallac2335

    bwallac2335 Well-Known Member

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    Lets hope not.
  3. youngfogey

    youngfogey Member

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    Rome's current management is trying to create a new church. They know they can't change the teachings so they'll just stop enforcing them, pretending they don't exist. These surveys give it an air of legitimacy. That's not how Catholicism works but they don't care.

    To that end, they're kicking out a robust minority of conservatives, largely young families with lots of children, to stack the deck/put a thumb on the scale; cheat. People who prefer the old Catholic worship services, the traditional Latin Mass, which they hate. So they've gone back to all but banning those services. Rome now: "Put aside that Mass or you're not Catholic anymore." Never mind for now the tongue not understanded of the people. It's like the Prayer Book Society and the Continuing Churches in America: the old service and the theology behind it are the conservatives' big no to the 1960s cultural revolution in the West.

    Rebranding: kicking out the customers you don't want and trying to attract the ones you do.

    Roman Catholic liberals strike me as insular, un-ecumenical, as if they don't know that the Protestant churches that did make these changes to their teachings aren't doing well now.

    Then again, true-believing liberals, like true-believing anything, aren't driven by worldly success/results.

    Like the mainline, these people think they are the next step, the fulfillment, of Christianity.

    They don't realize that Christianity's daughter religion, secular humanism (among other names), has already replaced them. Unbelievers don't care what churches do. Current Rome is driving out believers and will get... nothing.

    Remember the Pachamama incident at the Vatican?

    Catholics are living through a schism: those who still believe the creeds vs. those who don't.
    CRfromQld and Shane R like this.