Hello all, I've lurked around the forum for a while and enjoy many of the discussions. I've been attending an Episcopal church (Calvary) here in Golden, Colorado for a little over a year now. As episcopal churches go, Calvary is very orthodox. I come from an evangelical background of Evangelical Free churches, non-denominational churches, and para- church ministries. I have always harbored a fascination with the early church, long believing it to be some murky period of history, about which nothing could be known, but discovered the writings of the church fathers, and realized my evangelical faith didn't jive with how the earliest Christians understood Christ and the apostles' teachings. I considered Catholicism and Orthodoxy but haven't been able to come to terms with some of the more innovative beliefs in both systems, so for now have settled on Anglicanism as the best option which expresses historical Christianity in a way I can assent to. While its not perfect, I have very much enjoyed and benefited from this expression of faith, and particularly love the liturgy. I look forward to joining the conversation here.