Clerical Benefices

Discussion in 'Questions?' started by PDL, Jul 20, 2021.

  1. PDL

    PDL Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United Kingdom
    Church of England
    Not too far from where I live there was a good Anglo-Catholic parish. Its rector retired and there were no moves to replace him. I thought the bishop would swoop in and dismantle the parish with some scheme. However, it seems the diocesan bishop and the responsible archdeacon made some technical error. The parish remains in existence and it has been provided with a priest. I am not sure why but a neighbouring Anglo-Catholic parish has also been provided for after not having its own priest for some considerable time. The two parishes that I am talking about are to be served by a priest who already had his own parish. He is now going to care for all three. I am informed he will remain the rector of his current parish and also become the rector in each of the other two parishes.

    It was my understanding that a Church of England priest cannot hold benefices in plurality. Am I correct or am I wrong? I thought he may have remained the rector of his current parish and have been appointed as the priest-in-charge for each of the other two for which he is going to care. However, the churchwarden of one those parishes insists he has been appointed the rector of all three.

    Do you know the Church of England's laws and regulations on this matter? Can you please shine any light of this?
  2. AnglicanAgnostic

    AnglicanAgnostic Well-Known Member

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    New Zealand