Why Are So Many Greek Orthodox Leaving Church? -Rod Dreher [TAC]

Discussion in 'Anglican and Christian News' started by World Press, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. World Press

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    Why Are So Many Greek Orthodox Leaving Church?

    By Rod Dreher • April 7, 2014, 3:56 PM

    According to this article on the Greek Archdiocese’s website, it’s about intermarriage. Excerpt:

    Anybody else see what’s wrong with this? Intermarriage only makes these families less culturally and ethnically Greek. It need not make them less Orthodox. The fact that the Archdiocese conceives of this as a problem of intermarriage, and not as a failure of catechesis and evangelism, indicates a basic misunderstanding of the problem. If you acculturate your people to think the experience of the liturgical life of the Church is pretty much The Tribe At Prayer, you shouldn’t be surprised when their loosening of tribal bonds through intermarriage results in a falling away from the Church. I have two Greek friends who were raised Greek Orthodox but no longer are (one’s Evangelical, one’s Catholic) because, as they put it, Christianity was all Greek to them growing up.

    All churches in this country are facing a crisis of the young falling away. We need not make the situation worse than it has to be by misdiagnosing it. Or is there something I’m not seeing here?

    Posted in Christianity. Tagged Greek Archdiocese, Greek Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy.

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