I found this fascinating inquiry into St Augustine’s engagement with Mary, which reaffirms again just how far the Catholics are from the early church https://www.reddit.com/r/Reformed/comments/lbzdds/augustines_prayer_to_mary/
that's not what Saint Augustine is saying there... quite the contrary actually, were you able to read through the links there?
Is there more than one link to be read there? I only found "Augustine's view of Mary" on Augnet: http://www.augnet.org/en/works-of-augustine/his-ideas/2323-mary/ It's interesting, but I'm wondering if there are other links I can't see. Reddit seems to limit non-member access somewhat.
Well it all began from this link, entitled “Augustine’s Prayer to Mary” https://www.learnreligions.com/prayer-of-saint-augustine-blessed-virgin-542613 but as with so much other romanism “attributed to the Fathers,” it was a forged attribution, its actual authorship belonging to a medieval prelate.. “I believe the actual source of this prayer is Fulbert of Chartres, it appears in his Sermo IX, De Annuntiatione Dominica.” so if someone comes waving this St. Augustines prayer to mary, we have a reference point