Motion 16. Gambling Reform

Discussion in '2022 General Discussion' started by CRfromQld, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. CRfromQld

    CRfromQld Moderator Staff Member

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    The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt to move; The Rev’d Dr Rodney Wolff seconding:

    That this Synod, noting Resolution R60/18 of the General Synod of Australia, calls on the Queensland Government to implement the measures proposed by the General Synod of Australia to the broadest equivalent within the state jurisdiction and the widest extent possible, such as but not limited to:
    • 1. banning all sports gambling advertising on TV, radio and online, (or at least before 10.00pm at night);
    • 2. regulating casinos and online gambling at a state level, for example by creating an appropriate regulator and/or ombudsman;
    • 3. banning donations from any gambling license holder, including Board or committee members of gambling license holders, or their peak bodies to political parties and candidates.
    This Synod requests the General Manager to communicate this resolution to the State Premier, Leader of the Opposition, and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.