Franklin & Dash

Discussion in 'Liturgy, and Book of Common Prayer' started by Lowly Layman, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Lowly Layman

    Lowly Layman Well-Known Member

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    Benjamin Franklin and Sir Dashwood made a go at reworking the Catechism:


    That is to say, An Introduction to be learned of every Person,

    before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop.


    WHAT is thy duty towards God?

    Answ. My duty towards God, is to believe in him, to fear him, and to love him, with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul, and with all my strength; to worship him, to give him thanks, to put my whole trust in him, to call upon him, to honour his holy Name, and his Word, and to serve him truly all the days of my life.

    Quest. What is thy duty towards thy Neighbor?

    Answ. My duty towards my Neighbour, is to love him as myself, and to do all men, as I would they should do unto me. To love, honour, and succour my father and mother. To honour and obey the King, and all that are put in authority under him. To submit myself to all my governors, teachers, spiritual pastors and masters. To order myself lowly and reverently to all my betters. To hurt no body by word nor deed. To be true and just in all my dealings. To bear no malice nor hatred in my heart. To keep my hands from picking and stealing, and my tongue from evil-speaking, lying, and slandering. To keep my body in temperance, soberness, and charity. Not to covet nor desire other men’s goods; but to learn, and labour truly to get mine own living, and to do my duty in that state of life, unto which it shall please God to call me.

    Catechist. My good child, know this, that thou art not able to do these things of thyself, nor to walk in the Commandments of God, and to serve him, without his special Grace, which thou must learn at all times to call for by diligent Prayer. Let me hear therefore if thou canst say the Lord’s Prayer.


    OUR Father, which are in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen.

    Quest. What desirest thou of God in this Prayer?

    Answ. I desire my Lord God, our heavenly Father, who is the giver of all goodness, to send his grace unto me, and to all people; that we may worship him, serve him, and obey him, as we ought to do. And I pray unto God, that he will send us all things that be needful both for our souls and bodies; and that he will be merciful unto us, and forgive us our sins; and that it will please him to save and defend us in all dangers ghostly and bodily; and that he will keep us from all sin and wickedness, and from our ghostly enemy, and from everlasting death. And this I trust he will do of his mercy and goodness, through our Lord Jesus Christ; and therefore I say, Amen. So be it.

    ¶ The Curate of every Parish shall diligently upon Sundays and Holydays, after the Second Lesson at Evening Prayer, openly in the Church instruct and examine so many Children of his Parish sent unto him, as he shall think convenient, in this Catechism.

    ¶ And all Fathers, Mothers, Masters, and Dames, shall cause their Children, Servants, and Apprentices, (which have not learned their Catechism) to come to the Church at the Time appointed, and obediently to hear, and be ordered by the Curate, until such Time as they have learned all that is here appointed for them to learn."

    Any thoughts? Is this a sufficient exposition of the Anglican faith?
  2. Fr. Bill

    Fr. Bill Member

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    Anglican Christian
    Seems a tad thin on Christology, don't you think Layman? Maybe this is a good start (but barely a start). For a sufficient exposition of the Anglican faith, I'd look toward the Articles of Religion.