Demons at the root of Catholic scandal?

Discussion in 'Anglican and Christian News' started by Lowly Layman, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. Lowly Layman

    Lowly Layman Well-Known Member

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  2. Religious Fanatic

    Religious Fanatic Well-Known Member

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    It's funny you mention demons as inspiring movements to control or influence society. I am starting to believe, especially thanks to my Christian relatives who have experience with both good and evil supernatural phenomenon, that my abuse from my psychiatrist was inflicted by demons. Psychiatry is largely atheistic and humanist, denying there is a soul or any non-material mind that can have any helpful role in influencing our health or wellbeing. Despite promising salvation, it's practicioners have a high rate of suicide, among the highest of any profession, and the accounts you will find online of psychiatric abuse are common. I can't count how many times I hear from people who've consulted psychiatrists that they've been through more bad doctors than good ones. As for the occult, there were some characteristics that seemed consistent in the doctor's behavior with what I've experienced and deemed to be demonic oppression, and which my relatives, which are far more experienced in it, have suggested was consistent with many of these cases. People suddenly lapsing into a collective, trance-like agreement, also being aware of unstated personal or private information or knowledge that they wouldn't have been able to figure out from the environment or from my appearance, but gave them incentive to exploit a weakness or some vulnerability to attack me, are examples of this. My father came in one session to talk to this doctor, who remained arrogant and tried to intimidate him when he suggested that if we couldn't deal with losing our faith (which he was trying to destroy), we should commit suicide, because he hated Christians and God and had no pity on us. My dad seemed at one point to be in a very terrified, trance-like state, looking away, and whenever he would try to say something occasionally, it was something that was out of character for him, but wrongly coincidental enough to make the psychiatrist's misguided assumptions about my behavior and attempts to say I am deluded seem credible. I know he normally wouldn't have said these things in the exact way or time he did in most circumstances. And I do think he was feeling the sense of dread that came over us in that session with that's doctor's cold, insidious behavior. I remember going to a Christian meeting years ago and there was a guy who asked why we were seeing a psychiatrist. At the time, I was seeing another doctor, but he was a different one than the one who abused me, but in his own way, rotten. There was a brief discussion about it, and the guy said, "Psychiatrists are no better than going to see a psychic or a medium. I seriously think they have demons in them." Then he described some of the hostility that can be seen from these doctors that I now have seen in the one I left, and am still recovering from the scars of my constant encounters with him. Of course, the guy saying this never gave a particularly detailed account, but he did seem to affirm that similar experiences with these doctors that were possibly motivated by demonic malice, were common in the field.
  3. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    THis seems quite likely... We have come to underestimate the influence of the unseen and the diabolocal in the directions of the world. At least that's how I see it...

    To adapt a popular phrase, people may not believe in the Devil, but the Devil most certainly believes in them
    Anglican04 likes this.
  4. neminem

    neminem Active Member

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    Don't forget we are IN the battlefield of powers and principalities.

    Ephesians 6:12
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Most, even Christians, forget this. They are decieved. Deception is evil's key to enering one's temple.
  5. Religious Fanatic

    Religious Fanatic Well-Known Member

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    Indeed. When I hear Christians teaching "We ought not to harp on homosexuality when we've got bigger issues to fry, such as feeding the homeless, helping the poor, etc." I am really concerned.

    Thing is, they've forgotten about 'take care of the little things, and the big things will take care of themselves.' You likely don't have enough spiritual maturity to take on the larger tasks if you can't break a lot of the smaller habits, as they eventually build up into the bigger picture of sanctification over time, cleaning closet and all that. That is, if you actually consider it minor.

    I also think evolution is probably driven by this kind of mentality. I am generally scientifically illiterate, but considering the lack of humility that comes from atheists in general, I don't think I can trust most research related to supporting the theory. I just think it sounds absurd.
  6. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    Yep. Fake News is Demonic. It is a deliberate attempt to manipulate the truth in order to deceive. Just as the first lie from Satan did. Gen.3:1-7. The problem is that we don't know we are being 'deceived' unless we know the truth that the lie is obfuscating. Neither Eve nor Adam knew what death was, so did not fear it. Knowledge requires discernment not just innocent ignorance. There are too many innocently ignorant 'believers'. Matt.10:16.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2018
  7. Religious Fanatic

    Religious Fanatic Well-Known Member

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    I remember reading an Orthodox article about the concept of 'prelest' or spiritual deception. Basically, people thinking they're more mature and capable of understanding or doing certain things than they really are able to. What I was mentioning about the 'little things' is that, if they're the easiest things to squash, then we should focus on taking care of them one by one before thinking we can overcome all the major obstacles, as the smaller things add up to the bigger things over time. Is this an accurate view of the subject, and is it in line with traditional Anglican thinking, or am I verging on a works-based spectrum?
  8. neminem

    neminem Active Member

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    Let's go deeper still. Let's reconsider what demonic possession means. The temple (body) is run by unclean spirits.

    One primary deception is we believe we are the body, instead of having a body. To believe we are the body is the root of all suffering, and a metaphoric purpose of hell.

    We are not here for the self, but for the One that sent us. Our Being is here to express God's will (body run by clean spirits) in this visible realm on earth. That is, to express Unconditional Love, which stems from Truth.

    Those that forget this basic truth become a fearful lot, like most humans. As a result, conditionality, fear and suffering is everywhere.

    Our own thoughts betray who we really are. This betrayal, deception, has made the human a thought organism/machine. Stuck in thought day and night (self-enslavement).

    John 12:49. For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.

    Jesus Christ showed us how to not follow self-will, but to follow God's will (the way and the truth and the life).

    We are not here for self! Forget about self. Stay humble and meek (even our thoughts on those two words have been betrayed).

    Psalm 46:10. He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;"...)
    God is Truth, and the Truth ... "(I) will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

    Our Real Life is in the invisible.