Common worship

Discussion in 'Liturgy, and Book of Common Prayer' started by David, May 27, 2021.

  1. David

    David Member Anglican

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    Evening everyone

    I have been wondering where or what inosired the common worship texts?

    When I go to Confession the vicar says its from the BCP in the visitation of the sick...I see the note of absolution there but not the form of confusion in the common worship text.
    Stalwart likes this.
  2. Stalwart

    Stalwart Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Great question. I am not an expert on 20th century liturgical revision, and I am not a fan of it either. The 1662 is the pinnacle of liturgical perfection as far as I'm concerned. But there are a bunch of users here who know more about how Common Worship came to be. But fyi, the 1662 BCP remains the canonically standard liturgical text for the Church of England.
    Dave Kemp and David like this.
  3. Fr. Brench

    Fr. Brench Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Anglican (ACNA)
    Well, the Vicar is being generous about the explanation - the 1662's Visitation of the Sick provides the rubrics and absolution necessary for a private confession, but there was no actual rite for it at the time. And that kind of makes sense, as private confession is not common prayer.

    The texts for Common Worship (2000) are inspired by several sources probably throughout the Anglican Communion. Before it was the Alternative Service Book from 1980 or thenabouts, and I'm sure it compiled a few other variant sources from modern African and American liturgical developments also.
    David likes this.
  4. bwallac2335

    bwallac2335 Well-Known Member

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    Just remember private confession is something you can avail yourself to but the general confession and absolution is just as good.
    David and Invictus like this.
  5. bwallac2335

    bwallac2335 Well-Known Member

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    In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


    I have sinned against the All-holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Truly, I have sinned against God. Therefore, I confess in the presence of God, and before the holy Birthgiver-of-God, and before all the saints, and before you holy father, all the sins which I have committed. For I have sinned in thought, word and deed, willingly and unwillingly, knowingly and unknowingly; I have sinned against God.


    May God grant you forgiveness.


    I have also sinned by the seven-fold transgressions of the deadly sins: by pride and all its forms, envy and all its forms, anger and all its forms, sloth and all its forms, covetousness and all its forms, gluttony and all its forms, and lust and all its forms; I have sinned against God.


    May God grant you forgiveness.


    I have also sinned against all the commandments of God, both prescribed and prohibited; for I have neither performed the prescribed commands, nor abstained from that which is prohibited. I accepted the laws, but was slothful in keeping them. I was

    qristonhouj;an frauir;za\^ ;u gor‘ows anarvan gta\% git;low xcarn kamau koraza\% ;u i bar;az gor‘oz ;s in]hn f;®aza\& wa@\ in]% wa@\ in]% wa@\ in]! Xo#rn as;m% kam xo#rn .ostowanim& xi anjiu ;n \anzanq im& anas;li ;n anørhnoujiunq im& ann;r;lin ;n zauq im% ;u anbv,k;li ;n whrq im& m;[a\ Astou‘o\!


    Astoua‘ jo[oujiun ,norf;szh!


    Fa\r sourb^ xq;x ounim mi=nord fa,touj;an ;u bar;.øs a® mia‘in Ordin Astou‘o\& xi i,.anouj;ambd or tou;al h q;x% ar]ak;sz;s xsa i kapiz m;[az imoz% a[ac;m xq;x!

    AR}AKOUMN Qafana\n

    Thr o[orm;*a% Thr o[orm;*a% Thr o[orm;*a!

    O[orm;szi q;x mardashrn Astoua‘% ;u jo[oujiun ,norf;szh am;na\n \anzanaz qoz% .ostowanaz;lozn ;u mo®az;lozn! :u ;s kargaus qafana\akan i,.anouj;an% ;u framanaun astoua‘a\in^ jh axor ar]akizhq \;rkri% ;[izi ar]ak;al \;rkins%o nowin baniun ar]ak;m xq;x \am;na\n masnakzouj;nh m;[az qoz& i .orfrdoz% i baniz% ;u i gor‘oz& \anoun Før ;u Orduo\ ;u Foguo\n Srbo\% ;u dar];al tam xq;x i .orfourds sourb ;k;[;zuo\& xi xor inc gor‘iz;s baris% ;[izi q;x i bar;gor‘oujiun ;u i 'a®s fand;r];al k;nazn! Amhn!

    kda, kidelov zcharn gamav goratsa, yev i paryats kordzots yes intsen heratsa; vay ints! vay ints! vay ints! Zorn asem, gam zorn khosdovanim? zi antiv yen hantsank im; anaseli yen anorenootyoonk im; annerelin yen tsavk im, yev anpzhshgeli yen verk im; megha Asdoodzo.


    Asdvadz toghootyoon shnorhestse.


    Hayr soorp: zkez oonim michnort hashdootyan yev parekhos ar miadzin Vortin Asdoodzo; zi ishkhanootyampt vor dvyal e kez, artsagestses zsa i gabits meghats inots, aghachem zkez.



    Der voghormya, Der voghormya, Der voghormya.

    Voghormestsi kez martasern Asdvadz, yev toghootyoon shnorhestse amenayn hantsanats kots, khosdovanatselotsn yev moratselotsn. Yev yes garkavs kahanayagan ishkhanootyan, yev hramanavn asdvadzayin te “zor artsagitsek hergri, yeghitsi artsagyal hergins,” novin panivn artsagem zkez hamenayn masnagtsootene meghats kots; i khorhrtots, i panits, yev i kordzots, hanoon Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvooyn Srpo, yev tartsyal dam zkez i khorhoorts soorp yegeghetsvo; zi zor inch kordzitses paris, yeghitsi kez i parekordzootyoon yev i pars hantertsyal genatsn. Amen.

    invited into the order of Christianity, but was found unworthy of it by my works: knowing the evil, I willingly followed it, and from good works I purposely kept away; woe to me! woe to me! woe to me! Which of my misdeeds shall I recount, or which shall I confess? For my sins are innumerable, my iniquities are unspeakable, my pains are unrelievable, and my wounds are incurable; I have sinned against God.


    May God grant you forgiveness.


    Holy father, I hold you as reconciler and intercessor with the only begotten Son of God, that by the authority given to you, you will release me of the bonds of my sins, I implore you.

    Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

    May God the lover of humanity have mercy upon you and grant you forgiveness of all your sins, both those which you have confessed as well as those you have forgotten. With this priestly authority and by the divine command that “whatever you loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven,” and with the same words, I absolve you of all participation in your sins; in thought, in word, and in deed, in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, and re-instate you in the sacraments of the Holy Church, that whatever good you do may be accounted to you as works of goodness and for the glory of the live to come. Amen.
  6. bwallac2335

    bwallac2335 Well-Known Member

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    I actually prefer the Armenian General Confession. Just a bit more detailed.