I am wondering what the response will be concerning Arhcbishop Beach's communication concerning the Church of England? Will it be received, condemned or not discussed? https://anglicanchurch.net/6843-2/
I predicted much of what is now happening (no real trick, since anyone with functioning synapses could see this train coming). Justin Welby has now been jettisoned by Global Anglicans as first-among-equals, and Canterbury is no longer the "home base" of Global Anglicanism. I've said for a long time that Welby was installed to manage the CofE's inevitable decline, not to grow the faith; his whole tenure to date simply confirms this interpretation. Welby was put into a position whereby he could either pacify the homosexual lobby in the CofE or the conservative African contingent -- he could not get them both in the tent. He chose the homosexuals -- they are closer, noisier, and more vindictive than the Africans, and thus presented the greater threat to the peace and quiet Welby wants in his province. Welby doesn't want a new awakening of Christian belief and worship in England. He just wants a dignified and quiet decade or two where the CofE can expire with a minimum of fuss. As to what the Anglican landscape will look like from now on: the center of gravity has just decisively shifted to Africa. The upcoming Kigali conference will begin the process of getting the chessboard reset properly. Relations between GAFCON and the non-GAFCON Anglicans are likely to warm up considerably -- I don't expect a merger or formal union, but African Anglicans are likely to come away from Kigali much more unified than they have traditionally been. The Africans are now freed from even the pretense of paying attention to Justin Welby. This is a positive development, and should have happened long ago.
that's about right. The CofE is on life support, has stopped breathing, and is in dire need of spiritual resuscitation!