Anglican Diocese of Gulf Atlantic

Discussion in 'Navigating Through Church Life' started by anglican74, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
  2. Mark

    Mark Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Happy Anglican
    Evening Anglican74.

    It may appear, but it was not Anglo-Catholic. More Roman than Anglican. Just some quick points.

    1) Anglo-Catholic is more than just dressing up in nice vestments. It is theology.
    2) The placement of the altar and the facing of the Bishop, this was Roman not Anglo-Catholic. Anglo-Catholics take persona Christi very
    seriously. This Mass did not.
    3) Altar girls. No Anglo-Catholic would allow it.
    4)Females in Holy Orders. Again, no Anglo-Catholic would allow it. Take Scripture too seriously.
    5)Collects are prayed by the priest. Not the people.
    6) Liturgical confusion and abuse through out the Mass. Again maybe in a Roman Catholic St Paul VI Mass, not a Latin, you would see
    the priest or bishop bouncing around. Not in a Latin Mass or Anglo-Catholic.
    7) Thurifer......what are you doing. Back to class for you. Maybe a re-read of the Manual of Acoyltes.
    8) You do not incense the Altar by wandering around swinging the thurible.
    9) No Bishop, you do not put your mitre and crozier on the Altar. You have Altar boys for that.
    10) What liturgy was the Bishop using? I know it was not the 1928 BCP. I thought it was the 79 BCP Rite I. But he jumped around, moved things
    around, added......took out the Gloria! Really. The Gloria!
    11) A Chris Tomlin song that mucks up Amazing Grace and a song I could not understand but reminded me it was a ragtyme sounding song.
    12) Reverence. Try acting like you are before the King of Kings and Lord of Lord. You are in the presence of God.
    13) I believe there was something that sounded like a Eucharistic prayer.

    I will stop at 13......I need to get to sleep. I have only slept 4 hours in the last 36. The duties of a hospice chaplain infringe upon your sleep.

    This is an Anglican Use liturgy. Very Anglo-Catholic.....somewhat too Roman.

    They understand Anglican theology and liturgical practice and theology better than Gulf Atlantic.

    My opinion.

    Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Fr. Mark
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  3. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    Mark, which denomination is this?
  4. Mark

    Mark Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Happy Anglican
    ACNA....Anglican Church North America.

    The group that split off from TEC when they made an open homosexual man a Bishop. They liked most of what the TEC stood for
    then split when Robinson was made a Bishop.

    They are part of a federation or confederation of Anglican Jurisdictions in the States. My Church, Reformed Episcopal Church, is a part of this group. The longer we stay, the more he have to work to ward off heresy.

    The video I linked is Fr. Phillips parish in San Antonio. He was an Anglican priest who left back in 1983. He is Roman Catholic, but used an Anglican liturgy and kept many things Anglican. Sadly he has been replaced.....he was a mover in the establishment of the Ordinariate in the States and Canada. He also helped the UK Ordinariate financially and with prayer books when the local Roman Bishops refused (and still do)and Rome for some reason let them flounder. He was thought to be the first Ordinary of the US Ordinariate, but he was too orthodox and theologically sound for the US Bishops. They put Stenson in his place. I do believe if Christopher had been the Ordinary, the Ordinariate would have grown by large numbers. He would hold informational weekends and 300 + Anglican clergy (to include Bishops) would attend. There were Dioceses and over 80 parishes and missions desiring to enter the Ordinariate. Then Cardinal Wuerl got Rome to choose Stenson. That was a huge mistake. And the Ordinariate is now run by a Portuguese Bishop who has not one clue what it means to be Anglican. Like Stennson, a failed TEC Bishop.

    Probably more than you want to know. I count Christopher a friend and the Church has treated him horribly.


    Fr. Mark
    Aidan likes this.
  5. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    People need beauty truth and goodness of the sort that can be found only in tradition which has been tried and trusted. Today so many yearn for authenticity and a spirituality that is sound with the confidence of centuries
  6. Shane R

    Shane R Well-Known Member

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    I got the distinct sense that no one ran the edited text for the rite by the bishop before he commenced celebrating. That liturgy is as much a mess as is that diocese. And I shall leave off before I write something overly uncharitable.