Slippery Slope Confirmed: American Psychological Association Pushes 'Consensual Non-Monogamy' SMH
Government recognized polygamy/plural marriage is on the horizon. Child marriage won't be far behind. In communities where plural marriage is practiced, it is not uncommon for men to make a deal to give their teen daughters to each other as second/third wives. In the name of "liberation" we will end up with "patriarchy" of a very exploitative kind.
I've been to psychiatrists who will openly endorse pedophilia, beastiality and incest when no one is looking, and tell you they protect and encourage their patients who admit to practicing it. They'll say the taboo against it is due to 'puritanical brainwashing' from our Christian heritage that needs to be educated out of society by the destruction of anything to do with religion. I am not surprised. It is a brazenly atheistic profession that denies the spiritual realities and dimension which afflicts us everyday and claims the soul is just the brain.
Polyamory is not the same thing as polygamy, though clearly neither of them is the general standard of our societies, serial monogamy. It could be the acceptance of simple fornication, or serial adultery, or all sorts of other options, and in the end is the suggestion that there are no rules for this part of the human experience of life. The Old Testament, despite what seems to be the endorsement of monogamy in Genesis 2:24 is littered with expressions of human sexuality that don't meet this strict criteria. Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, all seem to transgress this standard. I know how hard it is to maintain one deep intimate relationship (my marriage) and I am amazed that people think that it is possible to maintain multiple such relationships. I don't really believe that the rules come from the Judeo-Christian tradition as much as they arise simply in terms of a society that recognises that given a more or less evenly distributed gender pattern in society, the good order of society is best maintained if everyone plays at home and not out on the street. Monogamy is generally good for a peaceful society. In many sense this is a natural law understanding. The tradition, stepping right back into scripture argues generally for monogamy, in general, perhaps with the exception of the OT Patriarchal period. Certainly the Book of Common Prayer speaks of this man and this woman and speaks of the purposes for marriage as Procreation, Remedy, and Mutual Society. One of the First Book of Homilies addresses the matter of whoring and adultery, and specifically referred to a practice in the court of Henry VIII known as chambering. If society moves towards some form of covenanted polyamory there is little doubt a faithful church will stand against that, firstly because that is not how we understand the purposes of marriage, and secondly because we do not believe that it is good for those who embrace it, nor good for society as a whole. Nonetheless, one of the things we have often failed to do is to allow the voice of our deep love for people be heard above the voice of condemnation of certain practices. John 3:17
Should they not be heard together? On the one hand, denouncing the sin, on the other hand, loving the sinner.
Yes, my point was that too often we have screamed the denunciation of sin and whispered the love of God - a sound of sheer silence to use the words of the NRSV.