Do you believe in a personal devil?

Discussion in 'Faith, Devotion & Formation' started by Lowly Layman, Oct 18, 2013.


Do you believe in a personal devil?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Other

  1. AnglicanAgnostic

    AnglicanAgnostic Well-Known Member

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    New Zealand
    Hi LL can you give me the verses for the David and Peter episodes? I've always been under the impression the only documented harm caused by the Devil was giving Job boils.
  2. Lowly Layman

    Lowly Layman Well-Known Member

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    Ryle doesn't give them, but I believe he is referring to 1 Chronicles 21:1, where Satan provokes David into performing a census in disobedience of God and in Luke 22:31 where Our Lord reveals to Peter that Satan asked to have Peter and sift him.
  3. Elizabethan Churchman

    Elizabethan Churchman Active Member

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    United States of America
    Anglican Newbie
    One thing that really bugs me about a lot of modern Reformed theology is the lack of a decent study of the works of Satan and his minions. While I don't think it should be our primary focus, since it is dangerous to delve too deeply into the ins-and-outs of Satan's kingdom, we should remember that he works to oppose the advance of Christ's Kingdom throughout the world. While Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross, Satan is still active and effective in his efforts if we are not careful enough to spot his deceptions. As a Postmillenialist, I personally believe that one day before Christ's return Satan's work on earth will be destroyed and he no longer allowed to deceive the nations, but right now it seems that his deceptions are still alive, and his lies have caused many sad divisions even in Christ's Church.

    I recently read a report at The Gospel Coalition from a Presbyterian missionary in Germany who was talking about how demons were interfering with his mission work. I tend to believe the report because most Presbyterians, consistent with what I said above, don't like attributing things to devils or demons.