Need guidance to understand what salvation requires.

Discussion in 'Personal Advice, Care & Prayers' started by Kenmtb, Oct 24, 2023.

  1. Kenmtb

    Kenmtb New Member

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    United States
    Things are really horrible now and I am hoping not to ruin my relationship with our LORD.
    I am kind of a shut in, but attend bible study.

    Can someone please refer me to resources that outline the steps you need to take to maintain a good relationship with GOD.

    For instance,:
    How to properly give praise
    Are their things you need to do to maintain your salvation...or loose it.
    How do you properly pray
    How do you properly ask forgiveness/confess
    Can my bible study provide communion
    Am I lost for repeated sins. The flesh is KILLING me.

    I would like the LORD to not be angry with me and my stupidity.
    Very sorry if my questions are ignorant.
    Thank you very much.
  2. Fr. Brench

    Fr. Brench Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Anglican (ACNA)
    You may find this helpful:

    It addresses the basics of the Gospel up front (the first 18 questions or so) before walking through the fuller course of Q&A regarding the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. But to give brief answers to your sample questions here...

    1. how to praise - Try praying the psalms. They teach us how to praise the Lord, as well as a great deal of other forms of prayer.

    2. maintaining salvation - Continue to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, once you've been baptized. Nothing can take him away from you; only you can throw him away, and even that is pretty hard to do. The mere fact that you're concerned about the possibility of losing him is proof enough that you are not rejecting him.

    3. how to pray - see #1, though you could advance into the Anglican tradition of prayer which centers around the psalms, but includes other readings and prayers too. can help

    4. how to confess - see the Daily Office (#3 here) for an excellent prayer of confession that can help you get on the right track. See also Psalms 32, 38, 51, 143, for other examples.

    5. bible study communion - In bible study you may have fellowship with other believers, which is a form of communion among the church's members, but that is not the same thing as the sacrament (or grace-giving activity) of Holy Communion. You need to come to the church for that, or call your priest for help if you are unable to attend in person.

    6. repeated sins - The flesh has killed us all, brother. But the Spirit gives life. If you find yourself over-burdened by guilt, then call your priest for help regarding the Reconciliation of a Penitent, or private/particular confession to a priest to provide you with godly counsel and to remove all scruples and doubt.

    The Lord loves his children; be not afraid to reach for his grace and mercy freely offered!
  3. Br. Thomas

    Br. Thomas Active Member

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    Anglican Catholic
    'Tis a very thoughtful and insightful response.
    Kenmtb and Fr. Brench like this.
  4. CRfromQld

    CRfromQld Moderator Staff Member

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    I don't think it is about following a set of steps. That's what the Pharisees did. What is required is to believe in Jesus as the Christ and to do God's will.

    You will stumble often, but you have an advocate in Heaven, so reset and move on.

    Attending a bible believing church is important if you can; but from your question I infer this is not possible for you at this time. But you are attending Bible study which is a good substitute. Gathering with like minded people helps you reaffirm your commitment and encourage you to persevere; and you are also increasing your knowledge.
    Kenmtb likes this.
  5. PDL

    PDL Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Church of England
    Dear Kenmtb, You have started other threads along similar lines. I suggest for spiritual matters you speak to a priest and look into the possibility of a spiritual director. With regards to psychological matters I recommend the services of a trained, qualified and registered/licensed mental healthcare profession such as a psychologist.

    I am sure fellow members on this Forum may give you well meaning advice. However, if you're really struggling with things it's much better, and safer, to seek advice from experienced professionals.

    I shall remember you in my prayers.
    Br. Thomas and Pub Banker like this.
  6. Kenmtb

    Kenmtb New Member

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    United States
    Thanks but most of the threads were different and about how to approach things from a Christian point of view. I noticed a lot of forums are moving things towards mental health. That is not the issue, the issue is how to get life strait with GOD.
  7. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    Do the same as you would to anyone else you consider praisworthy. Say what you think is worthty of praise about them, but don't just make it up, God knows if you are being dishonest.
    Love Truth, Love Life, Love your neighbour. Be honest with others and about yourself. Answer to the conscience God has given you but not out of fear but rather out of love for Him because He loves you.
    Praying is talking and thinking with God. Do it just as you would talking or thinking in conversation with anyone else you know well and trust.
    Just say sorry, and WHY you feel ashamed. If it's always for the same cause, see a priest about it and get advice.
    Learning about God's grace towards sinners IS communion. Some bits of the Bible help in that respect. Some other bits don't. Learn to find the bits that do and use them for encouragement.
    The flesh is weak - get used to it - we all shall, sooner or later, leave it in the grave. The arm of flesh will fail you, trust in the Spirit of God. He that is in you is stronger than he that is in the world.
    He's not, it is you who is angry with you for failing and not succeeding. Don't be so proud of success or fearful of failure.
    None of them were, that's why I've answered every one of them.
    Don't mention it, glad to be of service. :thumbsup:
    Br. Thomas likes this.