Anyone seen this report, recently published by several hundred scientists?.. sure seems to go against climate change hysteria
You're sharing conspiracy theory rubbish. Apply the same level of criticism and skepticism you have of authoritative sources to people who say things you want to believe.
I am not a scientist, however he does refer to a scientific report so shouldn’t we just look at that? if it does not hold water, then that’s an easy way to dismiss it without anyone’s intelligence being questioned
People who really want to learn about climate science know that Twitter isn’t a reliable source of information about it. There’s no obligation to give “equal time” to every new claim out there. Better to begin with reading the experts and then, after being adequately informed, evaluate whatever gets passed around social media.
You DO KNOW how reliably impartial GBNEWS is though, don't you? Who it was set up by, when, what for, and who runs it? That should give you a few clues as to how trustworty this 'report' is likely to be. My guess would be, that there are probably better scources of data and better presentations of the conclusions to be drawn from it available, from places other than GBNEWS. .
NOAA and NASA concur that 2010-2019 were also the hottest decade on record. I’m happy to defer to the people who keep track of global weather data and observe it from space, for a living.
LOL. Basically Britain’s version of a hypothetical “Trump News”. I pay very little attention to Farage these days but I would expect such a venture’s product to be almost comically inaccurate.
Looking at I don't think this claim is correct. Global temperatures have been rising during the last 15 years and even if there are a couple of years of stasis or even reversal the trend seems to be continuing.
Tweets are not where science is done. Scientists publish articles in peer-reviewed learned journals or they present papers at scientific conferences. That is where science is published. GBNews is simply not a serious and unbiased source of news let alone science.
I don't know anything about that Twitter account, being that I am in the US; but I am bothered by the fact that they cited a scientific study, and no one on the pro-climate-change gang decided to look into it
That’s because it’s not real news. The IPCC made no such statement this year. It’s not true. This same story made the rounds 9 years ago: The Earth is over 4 billion years old. Global warming is about long-term trends, not about what happens in any given year (or even decade). The trend is still up, and it is accelerating. The relationships between all the variables involved aren’t linear, so it should come as no surprise that climate trends don’t proceed in straight lines. The trend in US economic growth throughout the 20th century was dramatically up, yet there were plenty of periods of when contraction still occurred. Those kinds of rises and falls are normal for any kind of long-term trend in a complex, nonlinear system. The particular context in which this “story” is given is one of right-wing conspiracy theory hogwash. You can’t just jettison the need for skepticism just because a particular outlet is saying what you want to believe or what you wish were true. Anyone that keeps up with publications by NASA or NOAA knows that claims like that made by GBNews in the link you shared aren’t to be taken seriously in the first place.
Well I cannot read the tweet. I am not a member of Twitter, do not wish to be and have no intention of joining. So rather than quoting someting not accessible to non-members perhaps you could post the scientific study to which you say that tweet refers.
Could those of you who have Twitter see this? Here is another scientist who seems to disagree with any notion of man made global warming
10 to 15 years ago I could view a wealth of good information which showed that global temps were not rising. Articles revealed reasons why the data relied on by global warming proponents was inaccurate: temperature readings taken from non-representative locations, adjustment (skewing) of data based on questionable assumptions, and other factors. Meanwhile, other data was glossed over and scientists who disagreed were revealing how their findings were being blocked from publication. Now, all of that information appears to be gone from the worldwide web. Our most commonly-available source of information seems to have been meticulously cleansed. I'm sure some people will call this a 'conspiracy theory' or something. But I know what I saw. I cannot un-know what I read, nor can I now locate any of it to show you.
I have the same experience. I read many articles from reputable online journals disputing the claims of climate scientists. Now they have have all disappeared. The same is true with the adverse effects of vaccination. Pre-covid sites from universities that I had saved in 2019 are now all dead links.
"Scientist" I have a science degree. If I start my own fraudulent weather/earthquake prediction service can I also be called a "scientist"? He's not a scientist. He doesn't have a PhD. He doesn't do any science. He's a businessman who monetises lies, and when his fake earthquake prediction went bust he moved on to monetising telling people what they want to hear. Russia Today probably platform him because he calls for people to violently attack parliament.
Meanwhile the Polar ice caps melt visibly as monitored from space. CO2 continues to be belched into the atmoshere in prodgious abandon by the USA, India and China. Wild fires, floods and sea level rising continue unabated but measurably, unignorably, inexorably, RISING and STILL there are idiots who refuse to believe the human race bears any responsibility for any of these things happening. Just like the population of the world refused to repent in the Book of Revelation, as the angels poured their wrath upon the earth. Nothing to do with us mate. All God's fault! .