The words of the disciples, "Lord, teach us to pray;" are profound. Keep him steadily learning. You could push on to Grace at meals, the Prayer for Humble Access, Agnus Dei, the Collect for Purity, etc. Agnus Dei was a logical next step for my daughter since it immediately follows the Our Father in our liturgy. 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes are a good longer term project. All with a view of methodically working towards confirmation but also personal piety.
My five-year-old learned the Lord's Prayer when he was 4, I think. I was surprised how quickly he memorized it - I intended to teach him a "line" every week or so, but halfway through he just plowed through the whole thing all of a sudden! It's as if kids actually do absorb things when they "sit" through a worship service Seriously, though, good work, man. Keep praying with them and reading with them. Even if they don't memorize much from the Scriptures for a while, they'll value and expect it if you value reading it to them and with them!
Thanks. I never have really tried to make him memorize it. We read the morning prayer lectionary readings at night and often we end it with how Jesus taught us to pray. Today I got him to try to say it for my mom and he just kinda rattled it out
Yes I was thinking the Apostles Creed next but am open to anything really. Just to keep him memorizing
That’s amazing, congrats!! Yeah my 3-year old is already starting to request the “Ou fadder”, and waits for me to cross him at the end. I need to make sure he catches up to your son by the time he’s 5!
I was hoping he would learn it but I never really tried any formal way of teaching it. I would just ask him to say it or say it with us.
Psalms are a lot easier to learn by heart if they are sung to Anglican chant. I learned Ps.128, without even trying to. To the Coverdale BCP translation though, of course. Vastly superior to the KJV. .
Kids truly do learn through osmosis. My older daughter belted out the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy. . .) at our last communion service. It was a new part of the liturgy for her and I duly praised her.
Yep you got to be careful what you say around them. I am thinking we are going to start reciting the Apostles Creed together.