Muslim invasion of Britain

Discussion in 'Non-Anglican Discussion' started by anglican74, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    I hear contrary reports on whats being done by Muslims in Britain... Obviously you have the horrific Rotherham rape gangs, but I want to see a broader picture, for which there are conflicting reports

    on the one side you have people making strong denials:

    But on the other, there is stuff like this
  2. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    Stuff like this? And may we have the source of this 'data'? No? Is it 'accurate', 'fake news', 'verifiable'?

    Only asking because that info was not provided.

    How many cities and towns in the UK, for instance do not have a Muslim Mayor?
    What % of total UK cities and towns actually have a Mayor, let alone a Muslim one?
    How many do not or do have a male / female Mayor?
    What would be the normal percentage of Muslim Mayors to be expected of large, city sized, Urban Communities in the UK given the demographic distribution etc?

    Is there a Muslim 'takeover' in Britain?

    Depends who you are, where you are, what you think, what you want to believe, why you are making a fuss about it and what you hope to achieve by presenting us all with your 'data'.

    How many black / white / Muslim Mayors are there in large cities of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi or South/North Carolina?

    And what does that prove? If anything. 'Data' and 'Statistics' can be used to 'prove' almost anything you want to. By the way your 'Data' was presented I can guess at the purpose behind its reason for being 'presented' and even guess the approximate source from whence it came.

    It may be saying as much about the persons behind the presenting of it as it does about the 'facts' it purports to present.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  3. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    No need to get hostile... I am merely asking if this information is accurate, as I don't know who the mayors of those towns are, but perhaps you (being native to the UK) might, so please help with this information if you can
  4. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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  5. Rexlion

    Rexlion Well-Known Member

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  6. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    The main issue I have with this 'Data' is the misleading way in which 'Muslim Mayors' and other (self styled), 'information' has been implied and applied by the authors of the list. The intention is not to inform, it is cleary intended to inflame and misinform.

    In the year 2000 the Government changed the ancient system of cities honouring a civic dignitory by investing him/her with a civic chain of office, (to wear round their neck ceremonially), after electing them Mayor for a year. Their function previous to this was only to attend charitable and social functions as a representative of the City Council. They had no civic power and were not in a decision making role.

    In 2000 the Government passed laws enabling a new tier of Local Government in a few cities by appointing elected 'Mayors' who were granted legal authority over certain aspects of City organisation, such as transport or Entertainment events etc. (Similar to the types of Mayor you have in the USA, I believe).

    These were few and only in large cities. So far only two, for short periods, have been Muslim since 2000. The rest of them have not been. Boris Johnson was a mediocre one for London for some years. He helped organise the London Olympics. Spent millions of ££ on some spectacularly failed projects and was replaced by someone supposedly more fiscally competent, who just happens to be an ex Labour MP, (Social Democrat) and a Muslim.

    There have been a number of Muslim civic Mayors, (an honorary title), who attended civic, charitable events etc and encouraged good will and bon homi among the local community, to its betterment. They had absolutely no power to 'take over anything' or to weild any 'authority' whatever. That has never been their role.

    The way the so called 'Data' in that fraud-formation propaganda sheet is presented is clearly intended to make the reader believe that Muslims are ruling the major cities of England. This is absolutely not the case. Some have been elected to serve as Members of Parliament or as City Councilors, but they were ELECTED at the ballot box, the same as anyone else had to be. In a healthy, functioning, cohesive community one might expect there to be Muslim Mayors from time to time, if Muslims form a significant part of the community. Just as one might expect Christian, Atheist or Hindu Mayors to be elected some years to represent their aspect of the TOTALITY of the community.

    Most citizens in the UK think that there is nothing at all unusual or threatening about this tradition of electing annually a Civic Representative to serve as the accessable Social face of the City Authorities.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  7. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    'Economically inactive' presumably means, enduring pregnacy and childbirth, feeding children, changing diapers, washing, laundry, home management, caring for the disabled, organizing family social activity, negotiating with neighbours, and not earning a wage for any of all of this 'uneconomic inactivity'.

    Sounds positively utopian for someone on the RECEIVING end of all this deplorable Female Muslim 'inactivity'. :biglaugh::laugh:
  8. PDL

    PDL Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Church of England
    I am not sure what is happening in this thread. The OP seems to incorporate a post I made. I do not see how this is possible.

    I would refer you to some real facts posted at the link provided by Rexlion in post #5 of this thread. I believe facts are more useful than general scaremongering.

    We need to remember that the UK invited Asians (and others) in the 50s and 60s do menial labour that British people did not want to do. It is only natural that once here their families will grow as will the population of those who profess the Muslim Faith. They represent a small fraction of the UK's population. They are often concentrated in industrial towns because these are the places they were originally invited to come.

    I fear nothing from people of a different ethnic heritage to myself and do not fear Islam. I wish Christians in the UK were as faithful to their religion as Muslims are to theirs.
    Invictus likes this.
  9. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Here is a question for you then: Britain is a Christian country built on Western and Christian values
    Do you think that an Islamic mayor of London, a man called "Sadiq Khan", has so far been a good safeguard of Christian values, and of Western values? Or has he instead been a favourer of growing an anti-Christian and anti-Western presence in the city, and in the country as a whole?

    Also do you support the existence of Sharia laws in the United Kingdom?

    It seems that people who try to minimize Islamism in Britain are hiding behind pious platitudes, rather than face actual scary facts on the ground, which are growing every day

    I wish a lot of things... are you sure that you want to make wishing be a part of a your analysis of current events?
    On the ground, Mohammed has become the #1 name for a boy in Britain. Are you happy with that result? Since atheism and Islam are both wrong, but at least Islam believes in some sort of a false God, then you wouldn't mind the United Kingdom becoming an Islamic state?
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  10. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    More 'false statistics' perhaps?

    Mohammed is no where near as popular a boys name in the UK as Thomas or Jack. The highest it has ever reached was about 20th from top name and that was in about 2014. Since then it has significantly dropped off in popularity.

    Glibly making false claims which lazy readers won't be bothered to check for accuracy is not responsible behaviour for an Anglican. Anglicans should do better!

    Try Googling your claims before posting them up in here. That is all I have done and both times the facts do not match your claims. Which do you prefer to believe?
    Rexlion likes this.
  11. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    The truth shall make you free, but the converse is also true. Lies enslave the unwary, both those who tell them and those who believe them.

    Thus endeth the first lesson.
  12. PDL

    PDL Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Church of England
    I think he has mainly been a to the left-of-centre, liberal politician. He's safeguarded Western values. But, I would say he hasn't particularly safeguarded either Christian or Muslim values.

    If we were to ban Sharia Law in the UK we would have to be consistent. The Church of England's consistory courts would have to go. The diocesan tribunals of the Catholic Church would have to be shutdown. We would have to close Beth Dins and forbid Jews from making religious decisions according to their laws.

    Here is the fundamental problem and flaw with your argument. You have thus far offered no facts, you have provided nothing but bigotry and hearsay but not a single shred of evidence.

    What ground?

    Where is your evidence for this? I know quite a few Muslims and most Muslim boys will have Mohammed as one of his names. It is one of the ways in which they try to respect their prophet.

    So are Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism and every non-Christian religion. Indeed Catholic, Orthodox and other non-Anglican Christian traditions are wrong.

    The United Kingdom is not becoming an Islamic state. Of course, if you believe fools like Donald Trump you will be deluded into believing this without bothering to do any thinking for yourself; without presenting any evidence for your claims; without fact checking what you hear.

    Perhaps you should follow your own advice and stop living in a world of conspiracy theories. I prefer to live in the real world.
    Invictus and Tiffy like this.
  13. PDL

    PDL Well-Known Member Anglican

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    The Mayor of Blackburn is Councillor Jim Shorrock. His religion is not stated but I doubt he is a Muslim. (

    The Lord Mayor of Leeds is Councillor Eileen Taylor. Her religion is not cited but as she is of Caribbean descent I suspect she is more likely to be Christian than Muslim.


    The Mayor of Oldham is Councillor Ginny Alexander. Her religion is not listed but I suspect she is not a Muslim. (

    The Lord Mayor of Oxford is Councillor Craig Simmons. His religion is not mentioned but I do not think he will be a Muslim. (

    The Mayor of Rochdale is Councillor Billy Sheerin. Although his religion is not given I doubt he is a Muslim. (

    The Lord Mayor of Sheffield is Councillor Tony Downing. That does not sound like a Muslim name to me. (

    In over sixty-six percent of the examples listed the facts are wrong. They fail to mention that three of the listed municipalities have a Lord Mayor. In all cases except London the office is entirely ceremonial and the mayor has no powers.

    These are what are known as facts.
    Invictus and Tiffy like this.
  14. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    You might add: Facts that someone who actually lives over here can go and check for themselves if they feel the need to. Most of us sensibly don't unless and until someone insists of publishing non-factual inaccuracies.

    On the far side of the pond there should be more sensible people asking themselves why their president wants them to believe this kind of stuff.
  15. Rexlion

    Rexlion Well-Known Member

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    Oh, the source of these false 'facts' is just "internet hearsay." We're seeing it on social media and in emailed memes. Pres. Trump is not the source of these inaccuracies.

    It does make me wonder who puts that false stuff out and whether they are just being ungodly liars for the fun of it, or whether they have an actual agenda (to create dissension and chaos, perhaps).

    Very good of you folks to help us see the truth!
  16. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Why? Sorry I'm failing to see the connection between the two things, last I checked it was the Church of England, and not the Church of Yemen

    Again, why are you so hostile? I have started this thread precisely to get a clearer understanding, so should I not have started this thread in the first place? Geez...
  17. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    I did not intend to imply that Mr Trump originated these particular misinformations. He just ignorantly allows such 'internet hearsay' to go unchallenged and even contributes significantly to it by re-tweeting it to his 'followers'.

    Nevertheless he DOES want them to believe it. Why?
  18. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    Was that why the data about the Muslim takeover was so significantly BIGGER than the other quotes you posted. Because you were inviting comments and wanted to ensure we had seen it properly? Your concern for 'getting at the truth' is much appreciated.
  19. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    The key word to understanding here is consistent. The law must be consistent or else it is biassed. Biased law is ungodly law. THAT is why, if Sharia Law is 'outlawed' then so must consistory courts be, which have in the UK, a parallel and similar function, operating, as they must, under the Law of the Land. Just as Sharia Law has to operate under the Law of the Land.

    I hope this clarifies the issue for Anglican74 and anyone else who does not understand how it works over here. It is about Freedom of Religion. I think they have tried to do something like that in the USA with even some success.
  20. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Yemen can have their Sharia in Yemen, and England can have its Church of England.... seems pretty consistent to me?

    United States is a very different country which does not have an established church (at least on the federal level), whereas England does, and the name of that Church is the Church of England (and also, America is allowed to have an established church on the state level)

    All that notwithstanding, this America which you claim is the beacon for the freedom of religion, has banned Sharia law in the United States, and for good reason as I'll explain below

    That is where I am asking for more clarification:
    in all other countries of the world (and this is why Sharia courts are BANNED in the US) sharia law has civil authority, whereas Anglican consistory courts have only ecclesiastical authority, and thus an establishment of a Sharia court in England constitutes a direct violation to the civil law of the land... If there is a case of adultery (for instance), a woman may be tried in the English civil courts, OR in the Sharia courts, and depending on which court she is tried her outcome may be different

    What do you make of this?

    "Muhammad replaces William in the top 10 boys' names"

    "Muhammad and Olivia are London's most popular baby names"
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019