What do you think? https://www.christianpost.com/voice/can-we-make-sense-canaanite-genocide-randal-rauser.html
I have found this post to be really helpful with this question in the past: http://christianthinktank.com/qamorite.html To me it seems that Glenn Miller has really made a sincere effort to grapple with this question.
The ThinkTank article is one of the best explanations of this issue I've seen. You can go on fairly respectable websites like this: http://reasonsforjesus.com/did-god-commit-genocide-in-the-old-testament/ ...and get absolutely little out of it. That article does not represent the majority of the material on the website, but it troubles me. You have to do some serious digging to find real answers. I know this is a difficult subject, but a lot of the articles being published by young liberal 'apologists' are absolutely terrible, and incorporating more heresy to get past certain problems. One particular apologist I knew from a debate forum is now actively running his own website and podcast. He was nothing short of self-righteous and rotten and I am still hurting from the way he treated me back then, along with the other people on the forum who were hostile and cold. The younger hipsters are doing a lot of damage and have no humility in some respects when honoring biblical inerrancy or tradition. This is why some people are probably drawn to high-church traditions. I myself am skeptical towards theistic evolution and going too far about biblical errancy being acceptable. Also, the argument for homosexuality being a mistranslation ignores church tradition, which is reliable as far as understanding what it means.