New female Bishop of London

Discussion in 'Anglican and Christian News' started by Anglican04, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Stalwart

    Stalwart Well-Known Member Anglican

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    I tend to agree that the numbers of the good faithful are much larger than is often recognized. Perhaps as much as 50/50. The truly bad people are on the coasts, while the silent faithful remain in the hinterlands. The problem is that the faithful have no power, and control no seminaries. Their other problem is that the TEC doctrine and public perception has been tarnished with heresy, so that everyone assumes they're liberals even if they aren't. Very difficult to grow your church or evangelize when everyone assumes you are in favor of pink-haired non-binary gender identities, and when bishops in your church are non-celibate lesbians.
    Shane R, Anglican04 and Lowly Layman like this.
  2. Religious Fanatic

    Religious Fanatic Well-Known Member

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    I have always wondered this myself. Tim Allen is part of the Episcopal church, as is Sufjan Stevens. I have serious reservations and doubts about the orthodoxy of the latter, but the former, I assume is orthodox in everything except perhaps gay marriage. Why? Tim had a popular sitcom recently with a conservative leaning where he made clever commentaries against liberals in the USA. It was called Last Man Standing (Tim, as you may know, was the star of the hit 90's show, Home Improvement). In most of his episodes it's clear where he stands, including religious liberty and expression, but in the one where he discovers someone he knows is a lesbian, he acts a bit surprised at first, but never follows up with a clear statement of whether he is in the pro or anti LGBT camp. Perhaps he is not sure at this time, which would be more honest.

    But considering you have answered a question I've had for a while, I will assume that it is also answered regarding Presbyterians, who, despite going the same direction as TEC, I've always believed still can claim to have more orthodox members than TEC.

    Lastly, I want to add that the 'stereotype' you describe of pink-haired binary gender people is not entirely unfounded. I've found it to be quite common among politically correct people, specifically women, that they are often neo-pagan, feminist, bisexual, social justice warrior liberals, and last, but perhaps less significant for the sake of avoding discrimination, obese. Of course this is understandable when you consider how closely tied these kinds of people are to politically correct radical movements, but it seems to be that if you see someone who matches all these descriptions, then you know what to expect. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is likely a duck. Simple as that.
    Shane R likes this.
  3. Anglican04

    Anglican04 Active Member Anglican

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    It was meant to be a joke. My state is democratic so it would be valid in my area lol.
  4. Anglican04

    Anglican04 Active Member Anglican

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    Not just pink, but all colors. At my school, a lot of freshman have colorful dyed hair (purple, yellow, red, orange, neon green, etc.) and it's sick. Even some of my friends are starting to dye their hair..:signhelp:
  5. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    I thought "sick" means cool!
  6. Anglican04

    Anglican04 Active Member Anglican

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    haha :laugh: , it did in 2013. I don't remember how the word phased out, i think people just stopped using it as a synonym for "cool".
  7. Ide

    Ide Well-Known Member

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    I think that Anglican News has a good take on the election of this "Bishop" at around 17min in.

    I will also offer that nothing will change in the Anglican church unless we can remove women's ordination from the table. Women's ordination, I believe, was the first step in disrupting the church from it's historical traditions and positions. It has also contributed to the feminization of the church and to the over coddling and tyranny of the mommy which has manifested in the current plague of Social Justice Warriors. Everyone has to be "equal" everyone has to be "safe" everyone has to be "heard" everyone has to be "included". While at face value these are all good instincts, the feminization of our public spaces and positions has made them terribly oppressive to anyone who doesn't want to comply with PC culture.

    Shane R and DivineOfficeNerd like this.