Upcoming feature: Table of Contents for books

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Admin, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member Typist Anglican

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    We are pleased to announce one of the most anticipated and frequently asked-for features:

    A dynamic Table of Contents, for books and texts posted on the site.

    The organization of large texts on the internet is still in an infant stage, with each website choosing to answer that challenge differently. Many sites deal with long works by displaying a part of the whole to the user. We have chosen the road less-traveled of displaying the entire work -- be it 200, 300 pages of printed text -- at once , and endeavoring to find ways to manage this volume of text on its own terms.

    Today we can say, that the upcoming Table of Contents (let's call it TOC v1) is our first attempt to answer this challenge. As mentioned the whole work will load at once, as before. Now there will be a floating menu to the right, indicating of all the major sections of the work. Additionally, there will be a floating header on top of the text, indicating where in the Table of Contents the user is currently located:


    As the user scrolls down the menu and the floating header will update, highlighting the new location:


    The menus and the header are clickable. Doing so will scroll the document to the specified section (or in the case of the headers, to the top of their respective sections):


    In this manner we hope to bring a level of organization to the long texts posted on the site. However, all solutions here are open to change, and even loading all of the book at once isn't etched in stone. If you have feedback, or had encountered problems with speed and performance, you are urged to voice your comment, before the investment of more resources.
    Lowly Layman likes this.
  2. Lowly Layman

    Lowly Layman Well-Known Member

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    well done!
  3. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member Typist Anglican

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    highchurchman and Lowly Layman like this.
  4. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member Typist Anglican

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    All works are now updated with tables of contents.
    Peteprint and Lowly Layman like this.
  5. JonahAF

    JonahAF Moderator Staff Member Typist Anglican

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    The Formularies (catechism, articles, canons) were also revamped in this update.
    Peteprint likes this.
  6. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member Typist Anglican

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    We are noticing a few irregularities in the Table of Contents on some of the older browsers.

    If you do experience any issues please do not hesitate to report them here in as much detail as you can afford to give.