I'm formally cutting my ties with the Episcopal Church

Discussion in 'Navigating Through Church Life' started by Lowly Layman, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Lowly Layman

    Lowly Layman Well-Known Member

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    Hi all,
    I wish to bare my soul a bit. After a long and agonizong period of introspection, I have come to the conclusion that I must formally cut ties with the Episcopal Church. And since there is no alternative Anglican body represented nearby, I believe I will most likely be attending the local Lutheran Church (LCMS).

    I dropped out of regular attendance about 5 years ago, using the excuse that I had moved and didn't feel like any of the churches were a good fit. I briefly attended an APA church that was absolutely wonderful but alas I had to move again. I moved back home almost 3 years ago and tried attending my home parish but many things had changed in the liturgy and the priest used his sermons to bash conservatives and fundamentalism/evangelicalism more than the preach the word. I tried visiting others local parishes. At one I was turned off by two men who used the passing the peace time as an excuse to make out, and another time I sat next to a very vocal and militant transgender man who presented himself as a woman. I probably could have lived with the latter, but the priestess implied that Jesus was both a sexist and racist in her sermon on the Cyro-Phoenician woman. Most recently I have been shocked to hear so many clerics in TEC who have used their positions to denigrate and demonize the new president. Even going so far as to push for a removal of prayers for the president in our liturgies. The presiding bishop's half hearted statement that no matter how terrible the president may be we should continue to pray...and to act (protest?) did not I think give the president the respect and deference his office commands. It appears clear to me that there is little or nothing that I share in common with TEC and by trying to bear with the church through this crisis I am only robbing my children of a rich and fufilling church life.

    Please pray that Our Lord will guide me and my family to a good church home.
  2. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    I am very sorry to hear that LL! Over the years I've enjoyed my conversations with you whenever I come on here and it would be a shame to have less of that. I'm pretty sure the LCMS will produce some other concerns for you down the line, where although they will treat the Scripture respectfully they won't have a liturgy per se, there won't be an apostolic ministry, and in many LCMS churches the culture will be indistinguishable from amorphous evangelicalism.

    I really wish you'd give other Anglican alternatives in your area a second look. I know the APA is pretty big in the south and both the ACNA and its constituents have a substantial presence all throughout the south. It may take some time but when you are ready for it I pray that you will consider this.

    With fraternal affection,
    Madeline and Lowly Layman like this.
  3. Lowly Layman

    Lowly Layman Well-Known Member

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    I do not plan on leaving the forums unless I am asked to. Sadly, there are no APA or ACNA parishes for several hours. I would greatly appreciate it if one were.

    The LCMS is liturgical from what I see. Here is a link to some of their liturgies: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...vH-J222k_ibMyI_jQ&sig2=79rxKoj7SYLrnl52B5T19w

    They aren't altogether foreign to me. Plus they are far more missionary minded than TEC. I especially enjoy the Lutheran Hour and KFUO radio so I think I'll make do.

    Of course, it's not Anglicanism. But I owe it to my children to get them into a solid Christian community. Something they've been without for several years.
    Christina, alphaomega and Madeline like this.
  4. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    Church shopping is such a struggle, and we always feel some sense of dis-ease about it. You have my poor intercession. As an Anglican in the Southern Ocean the tales we hear of the Anglican experience in the USA seems bewildering. In my local Parish we prayed last Sunday for the New President of the USA, as well as for our own Prime Minister.

    One thing I have observed in this area is that it is much easier to take an Anglican out of a congregation, than it is to take the Anglican out of the person.

    Please do not leave this forum, for we will be much poorer without you. Sometimes I get the feeling that +Justin would enjoy a bit of relief from the North American Experience of Anglicanism.
  5. Lowly Layman

    Lowly Layman Well-Known Member

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  6. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    Dear brother we are all on a faith journey if our personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ is important to us. Pray to Him, and ask for Our Blessed Lady's intercession if you are so inclined, and He will undoubtedly lead you home my brother
  7. Mark

    Mark Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Happy Anglican
    Dear Layman,

    I am truly sorry you have reached the point that you have to separate from your church body. Please understand, you are not leaving the TEC. The TEC decided years ago to leave you and sadly now Christianity. Yes there are some who still believe. But they are getting harder and harder to find.

    LCMS should be a good, hopefully temporary, haven for you and your family. I know you talked about the ACNA and APA. There are other Continuing Anglican jurisdictions out there. If you like, send me the city and state in which you live. I can check my resources and see if one is close by. Sadly the Continuing Churches do not advertise and so no one knows they exist.

    You and your family are in my prayers.

    God's blessing upon you all.

    Fr. Mark
  8. Madeline

    Madeline Well-Known Member

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    Dear LL, I'm so sorry to read about the sad goings on at your church, and can easily understand why you don't want to bring your family there. You are listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, or, as the Quakers put it, "Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Trust them as the leadings of God whose Light shows us our darkness and brings us to new life."

    I hope that you can find a church that you can belong to wholeheartedly. And of course you must stay here! Best wishes to you and your family.
  9. Ide

    Ide Well-Known Member

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    LL, I pray for you to find a church home. May the Holy Spirit guide and bless you.

    I understand your struggle myself. Anglicanism is where my heart lies, but the TEC is so troubled these days that I don't know if I can commit to it in full faith. Luckily my diocese and parish are fairly conservative to normal, so all the noise at the top doesn't seem to trouble my local waters. For now.

    I can see TEC growing more radical and isolated and it suffers when people like you leave- even if they don't know that. I hope that you find a place of peace to help support you on your way.
    Aidan, Christina, Botolph and 2 others like this.
  10. Ide

    Ide Well-Known Member

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    LL, I just wanted to add that (and this is entirely up to you) I hope you let the diocese know why you are leaving. I think some people just stop coming or slip away without saying a word and business carries on as normal. At least by raising an objection to the priests sermon or behavior can shine a little light in the darkness. It also lets them know that it is one more person, with their money, is no longer supporting their "vision" of the church.
    Aidan and Lowly Layman like this.
  11. Twenty Nine

    Twenty Nine New Member

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    LL, best wishes. I have been struggling with this myself except that I am thinking about making the Anglican Church my permanent home.
    Lowly Layman likes this.
  12. Christina

    Christina Active Member

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    Anglican;Eastern Orthodox
    Do stay on the forum LL, as Philip said above, we would be poorer without you! I have my own misgivings about the direction of the Church of England in the U.K., and there are no other types of Anglican Church near where I live. But I am lucky to have found a Church that appears to be pretty solid. I pray that you find a Church where you and your family can find the rich Church life you are seeking.
    Madeline and Lowly Layman like this.